Filing a Damage Claim for Your Vehicle During Transport

Transporting your vehicle can be stressful enough without the added worry of damage during transit. Unfortunately, accidents happen and damages can occur. In the event that your vehicle is damaged during transport, it’s important to know what steps to take in order to file a claim and receive compensation.

Step 1: Fill out the Form

The first step in filing a damage claim is to fill out our online form with all the necessary information about the damage incurred. This includes details such as the date of transport, pick-up and drop-off locations, and specific information about the damage.

Step 2: Upload the Bill of Lading

In addition to filling out the form, we also require that you upload a copy of your Bill of Lading. This document serves as proof that your vehicle was indeed transported by us and helps us verify the details of your claim.

Step 3: Receive an Email with the Template

Once you have submitted your form and Bill of Lading, we will send an automated email containing a template for you to use when submitting your claim to the carrier who transported your vehicle. This template makes it easy for you to provide all necessary information in one place, streamlining the claims process.

It’s important to note that while we facilitate the claims process by providing this template, we are not responsible for any damages incurred during transport. The carrier who transported your vehicle is liable for any damages or losses.

By following these steps and providing all necessary information, you can ensure that your damage claim is processed quickly and efficiently, allowing you to receive proper compensation for any damages incurred during transport.

    Step 2

    Upload Supporting Document(BOL, Pictures, etc)